Netherlands or Switzerland for mid 20s future?

I am lucky to have a degree that should help me get jobs in the EU, and I have had a tentative interview in Switzerland. If you live or have in these two countries, please can you help me out on deciding?

I am from the UK, attracted to both culturally, and willing to learn and integrate.

However I wondered:

  • What's the economics of working in Switzerland vs the Netherlands like? This sub seems to love it. But I want to potentially live and integrate wherever I move to so saving 20k vs 10k isn't that important as the local housing seems to correlate with what I could save too.
  • I don't care about the Netherlands wealth tax because my assets are under that and probably will be till I put down a deposit
  • Are there economic trends/plans to make it better or worse to move to these places? The Netherlands doesn't seem to be growing is that because of Germany struggling with car sales, the oil issues etc or am I overthinking this?

Lastly I know it's not relevant to finance but I would be grateful for any info on this stuff:

  • How do 20 somethings socialise in those countries? It is easy to turn up to things? For example I like the UK with university student societies set up, and since students come from all over the UK, there is a lot of mixing and interest based societies. I know in many EU countries people just go to local Unis and there are not many interest/passion focused student societies, but rather mostly student clubs for sports or academics etc.
  • In the UK, Uni age students/20 somethings really can't be found in pubs like they used to because we've been priced out. You're more likely to find them behind the bar working, partly because affordability as a student is pretty difficult. Since COVID there's a lot more of drinking at home, and spontaneous, not too late house parties.
    • But what's it like in these countries for things like socially drinking - pubs/bars or do young people drink at home?
  • What's the culture like? I don't flaunt any wealth when I have money and my accent/approach is not your typical posh British accent. Am I going to be surrounded by people earning lots of money who are younger or with generational wealth and a bit of the upper nose in Switzerland, besides the holidays?
  • One thing I like about the Swiss is healthcare and possible private access. Am I dreaming here? I have witnessed really poor healthcare in the UK.