Fatphobia in autistic spaces?

I feel like when thin or straight sized autistic people get into a group they tend to leave out fat autistics, I don't even know if they notice they're doing it, but it's also common if they're around NTs. I think it's also because with straight sized autistics more of their traits can be brushed off as 'quirky' or 'cute' which is inherently infalitizing and weird but can give them the advantage around NTs. Fat autistics don't get that.

I even get that here, I've been on some posts that are unrelated to weight and suddenly there's a bunch of fat jokes. It hurts and it feels like I need to hide myself further. I have to mask extra hard to be considered on the in with any group, and when I do I'm the butt of most jokes.

Also, I get more autistic people telling me I'm unhealthy than any NT has especially if their hyper fixation is anything medical related. Even if I'm in sports, even if I'm totally healthy. This might not be an overall thing, but it's something I've experienced in autistic spaces. It's worse in real life, but I have to really make sure I pick only the best or most slimming pictures in online spaces to avoid comment.

I don't know. Maybe it's a societal thing, and because it's harder to pick up on social cues it just slips out more? Has anyone else experienced this???