Why is Mormonism so full of contradictions?

They preach to have integrity and obey the law of the land, but they were fined by the SEC for illegally setting up shell companies to hide their money from members and outsiders.

They teach the law of chastity, but their early prophets were sex-crazed lunatics who would bonk anything from teenage girls to mother-sister pairs to other men's wives. Sexual abusers and pedophiles are protected and allowed to roam free in church corridors.

They tell people to love everyone, love thy neighbors, but marginalize the LGBTQ+ community to the point of gay kids committing suicide. They were racist against Black people and treat women as second-class citizens.

They say they are not a wealthy people, but their net worth and stock portfolio say otherwise. They said top leaders do not get paid, but top Mormon authorities get paid six figures, including many other financial and medical perks.

They said they are God's only true church, but the way they operate does not resemble a Christ-like organization at all; instead, it resembles a money-hoarding real estate corporation.