Frustrations with Islam reddit

I am not an ex muslim yet but I have joined both communities to get a view of the opinions of both communities on the matter , so I saw the post on the r/progressive_islam sub reddit regarding Iraq lowering the age of consent to 9 and thought I should give my thoughts about it which were that the law is technically not against islamic “law” because of sahih al bukhari and sunan an nasai and some quranic verses .

I basically said that there may be some flaws with the quran and that maybe cherry picking what is okay and what isn’t okay isn’t the answer and that it might be best to look at it from a broader perspective . Either way my point was that the issue is coming from within the religion itself .

Of course the comments I got in response , insulted my research and just myself as a human. There was a comment regarding some ex muslims being nice people but when I said I appreciated it , it was apparently not directed at me, how sad .

Anyway this annoyed me a bit , as i already have bias against this religion in my mind .