Taqiyya is not a thing

I know this is gonna piss off the hindutva cow dung sniffers and far right fascists.

But the concept of Taqiyya as this devilish deceitful plan to lie and fool non muslim doesn't actually exist.

Never heard about it growing up in a muslim country and was never taught it. And no one did. The first time I learned about the word was from far right memes.

There's a concept of lying about one's Islam if their life is in danger and Muslims are persecuted.

But it's not anything close to lying about being a muslim then acting atheist and anti Islamic only to commit a terrorist act 14 years after to make some kind of false flag against exmuslims.

This insane shit promoted by right wing fascists and even the likes of Elon Musk just shows this isn't just about Islam (which deserves all the criticism it gets) but it's just pure racism and xenophobia.

The irony is that this stupid terrorist was a fan of people like Geert Wilders and Elon and all other right wing trash and was brainwashed by their hatred only to be thrown under the bus and accused of being a muslim performing Taqiyya.

Edit: The downvotes ratio and the idiots in the comments affirmed to me that this sub is infested with right wing nuts and cow dung sniffers which is sad because this sub used to be better than this.