Sincere question, why are so many Americans only interested in the Netherlands?

I have been a few times and enjoyed my time there very much, but I was visiting friends. I knew from being there that it wasn't the place for me in terms of "I could definitely live here" none the less I still enjoyed my time there. But Americans that are hyper fixated on the Netherlands, does it have to do with the pay, like is that the one place in Europe where your pay is close to what you made in the states, did you go there to visit before you decided to move there, was it a situation of everyone is picking the Netherlands so maybe it's a good choice for me?

I tend to read more cases of people semi regretting the decision after a year or two of living there and not liking the social culture than I hear about people that are thriving and absolutely loving it. I have genuinely been very curious about this for a few years but yet there seems to be a constant new wave of people moving there. TIA