Countries to live in as a black person ?
I just can't take it anymore. Although what everyone sees in the US news on racism and violence is terrible. I am primarily sick of it on a personal level. I live in an area where the majority of the population is white. And while there are more subtle/hidden types of racism across the country, this area doesn't hide it. I feel very uncomfortable when I step out of my apartment. I am watched, people act fearful of me, followed through stores, talked down to, people and assumed to be dumb, people are passive aggressive, or just aggressive, faces are made. I cannot connect with anyone at college. I am a 20'sF and will be harassed by a grown man who is irrationally afraid of me. When the only thing I'm doing is existing.
I was born here, I handled it better or could ignore it when I was younger. Racist tend to draw a line at children or my child-brain just didn't pick up on it. For some reason it's beginning to really take it's toll now. And I feel myself becoming racist in response. Friends and family tell me to go to different areas where racism is more subtle, but I've dealt with that and it's just as bad in a different way.
I am completely done. I want out. I don't want to fight against it or try to prove to strangers that I am worth basic human decency. I'm done. I have little to no love for this country anymore. I do not belong here. I want to go somewhere else. Even at the risk of discovering a different type of dark-skin racism. I can only hope it's more tolerable than the American brand. I know racism is inescapable, but I need some space to breathe and enjoy my time on this earth.
Any educated tips or advice on countries I should try to enter permanently will be appreciated! I'm pretty open, don't mind simple farm areas, or tropicals or even the cold. Thanks in advance.
Edit: Thanks to all I didn't already say it to and for those who will reply with suggestions and advice. This post blew up more than I thought it would so I am still reading through all the comments over time.