Fine LONG hair, clear breakage line near my ponytail spot. How are you all wearing your hair in the gym?


Hey all! I have pretty fine but very long and pin straight hair. I usually do a relatively high & tight ponytail for the gym, but it's starting to become obvious that all my breakage is in & around the spot where the ponytail holder sits. I can't French braid, & I'd ideally like to avoid gels/product, especially when getting sweaty. I don't know what other styles to try, and I do prefer a slick/taught style, but I know it's so bad for the hair. My hair is 24" at the shortest points, 30"+ at the longest, and it's whispy/babyfine around my hairline. Headbands slip off without fail, so those are out. Help? Ideas?

Due to a surplus of recommended and duplicate answers here is where I currently will be placing priority to trial on all our behalfs! I will post new updates if any are particularly good/if people want to see that (lmk below if so!)

Banana clips and low profile claws

Open Slide Metal Domed Clip/XL Barrettes - someone jogged a memory of a clip style I want to try now that I remember it exists

Scrunchies - add links in your comment if you feel a certain brand is A+

Invisi-bobbles paired with moving where I sit my pony daily

Junk Headbands - caveat: not to be worn with tight styles due to possible friction related hair loss (TIL!!!)

Hair Wax as a product that will hopefully not run

Bonus: I will also be attempting to learn how to better French braid. I got the memo fam, I really did. :-{ My hair 'braids itself' as I go (usually) so I will be trying to find a solution to this. Letting go to untangle my ends every stitch and a half is very counterproductive to achieve desired tension and neatness, which is what has kept me from doing it. Will report progress.

EDIT 2 ✨ Thank you to everyone! I made us an Amazon Wish List of the most suggested or best items. Prices vary, but I tried to find well-reviewed or the most legit brand/listings. Please know it is NOT a storefront- I am not making any money if you buy any of what we all hive-minded into that list! This is for the greater good only. <3

Keep it coming I will try to keep adding to the list!