Maybe I'm the only one.
Don't read if you haven't finished Onyx Storm.
Maybe I'm the only one, but I didn't love this book as much as Fourth Wing and Iron flame, and I'm seeing a lot of hype and excitement, and I lowkey feel left out, because I don't feel like I can relate to it.
What I will say is that I love the humour, and the one liners, and Rebecca always does that so well, and it's one of her best assets in story writing.
I did like that we left the miscommunication trope in iron flame though.
But first starting the book I felt incredibly confused, at all the new characters, what we were doing and where it was going. I had re-read Fourth Wing and Iron Flame prior to this, but was still equally as confused at who half the characters were.
It also felt repetitive, like go to this isle, fight these people, go to this isle deal with the poisoning, and even down the the end it was major battle scene, plot twist / cliffhanger, like even with Quinn's death it felt very much like it mirrored Liam's too much. so even when I came to the end of the book I had an idea of what was happening. Like it's just starting to feel like the same formula. And in all honestly just felt like a filler book. I can't say if it's a good or bad thing, but I don't feel any further into the timeline / story than I did iron flame. Like i feel we're still in the same position.
Like now that Theophine is dead, in the next book will it be spent looking for Xaden, trying to save him and fighting of the venin above Theophine?
I'll still be reading her upcoming forth wing books, and might try out her non-fantasy.
This post isn't meant to garner any hate, or discourse, It's just my own person opinion, and would like to know if anyone else read it, felt the same, and if anything changed your perspective on it. I might re-read it at a later date, go into it differently, see if i notice anything else. Because when i re-read the first two a year later, I felt like i had a great appreciation.