Dain theory??

IOkay can we talk about something with Dain?

Remember in IF when he was brought in by Varrish to take the memories from Violet in interrogation, there was a comment made about how they’ve “run out of civilians for him to practice on” . Also keep in mind that Dains signet was supposed to be classified-

Then cue up >! Sloane saying in OS “someone like you shouldn’t have this much power” - !<

>! I think they’ve been trying to see if Dain can alter or place false memories, not just read them! !<

Remember that Dain as an initial character was very by the rules, and if he was >! presented with learning/using his signet this way for the good of Navarre by his father, I have no doubts he would have done it. !<

>! After all Dain’s signet could very well be considered “a form of intinnsic” but a form that would BENEFIT people in power, hence why it was classified and he was allowed to live. Reading minds/reading memories, you’re still IN someone else’s mind. Add to that this thought- Who did we see snap their head when intinnsic abilities appears in a cadet? Carr, who also teaches them to hone the signets! !<

Then consider the end of OS- >! Can Dain potentially restore memories that Imogen has removed? It’s interesting that there’s 2 people tied so close to memories as main characters that have used their signets on Violet !<