SURPRISE FOXHOLE EXAM (99% of vets will fail this)

  1. A T1 trench has 1500 HP, and takes 75 tics to dig. A foxhole has 500 HP, and takes 19 tics to dig.

a. how much 40mm does it take to kill either?

b. Which one is more HP efficient?

c. By how much in % ?

  1. A T2 trench has 1850 HP, and takes 30 bmats to upgrade from a T1 trench.

a. Lets say you ignore the upgrade time and bmat requirements, would it be more HP efficient
than the awnser you got in question 1b ?

b. By how much in % ?

c. What if you didnt ignore the upgrade time?

  1. Trenches are usually best used interconnected in a trenchline. Foxholes are usually best used in clusters.

a. How many trenches do you minimally need to effectively use them for a trenchline?

b. How many foxholes do you minimally need to effectively use them for a cluster?

c. How long would either take if you have 3 diggers?

  1. When an enemy advance is imminent, you dont have all the time in the world to prepare defences.

a. Using your awnsers in question 3a, b and c, Describe a scenario where it is preferable to create a trenchline.

b. Using your awnsers in question 3a, b and c, Describe a scenario where it is preferable to create a cluster of foxholes.