The rest of us are kinda happy about building changes, actually.
I'm not going to say who I am. That doesn't matter. I could be a 10000 hour FM or a SSgt who bought the game last week. Anyway:
Few people other than builders themselves like the product of building. Doing literally anything will lead to running into a ultra-meta conc base that only dies to a Ballista or Chieftain rush.
The ability and will to build a concrete wall of megadeath is unrealistic and unfun for tankers, infantry, partisans, and hell, even your own backline logi.
Concrete fortifications weren't ubiquitous during WW2 and TRENCHES were the name and the game, at least on the western front, during WW1- think about it, they were for protecting against soldiers storming Normandy beaches, not literally denying the existance of an entire hex to an enemy push.
Minefields are cool! And realistic! And are STILL area denial!
Many people LIKE the idea of megadeathwalls being situational. "Foxhole players just wanna have fun."
(PS! If you consider yourself a builder, please consider what I'm saying before immedietly disagreeing. I'd like to hear from people whose playstyle isn't coping about artillery. If you've considered my point then fair, but please be the first of your kind to actually listen to my point.)