Child care cancel by Netherlands government. Need advice please.
My husband got a call from the government agency that our child care benefits are cancelled effectively from today.. The reason that they gave is they don't recognis the insetution i am studying at and I can take care of our kid while I "studie" full time. And want us to pay back a very large amount of money. We are already living hand to mouth we have no room for extras.We don't have any sort of a support system other than what the government has provided. So we definitely can't pay private care.
I am currently looking for work but I will have to do interviews with my toddler screaming in the background. Then I have to find child care that cost the minimum ( with out benefit it is impossible) because I will only gey a minimum salary till I'm qualified or gain enough experience.
I am lost and hart broken, her birthday is coming up this week and we had few things planned. And now we can't do it .
Husband is dutch citizen and so is our daughter (3 years old) I'm unfortunately not a dutch citizen.
Please, any advice 🙏 I am panicking and don't know what to do.
Thank you for everyone advice and support it helped me get a plan rolling. What we did so far is to request a payment plan and I'm looking for a part-time job. We are going to seek legal advice once we receive the letter. This news is still very new, a lot still needs to happen.
Sorry for not replying a lot. I have been applying to jobs ,dealing with a toddler and crying... a lot of crying.