Found out the truth after he ghosted

I was seeing someone for about two months, and I was definitely love-bombed. However, their actions made it seem like something genuine. They took me on amazing dates, complimented me all the time, and made me feel truly cared for. During the last week we talked, they were a bit busy, but I trusted them. Our last day together was good, though they made some remarks that confused me. They said they thought I was amazing and didn’t want to mess anything up. That should’ve been a clear sign to me that they already messed something up or was planning to! I reassured them that I wanted to take things slow and that there was no need to put pressure on our connection. They agreed, and we continued to have a good time together.

The next day, I checked in to make sure they got home safely after their night out. After a few hours, I realized they were ignoring me. Up until that point, we hadn’t missed a day of communication. I later found out some information from someone they knew, and I guess the entire connection might’ve been a lie. They had a completely different job than what they had told me. It seems like they might have wanted to appear differently to me? Maybe more high status? I’m not vain like that, and I think they caught onto that maybe after first date, but how do you come back from a lie that was told months ago?

I’m guilty of sending a long message after a week of silence, saying I wished they had been honest with me, that I wouldn’t have judged them, and that I was willing to hear the bad things. I didn’t directly mention the job situation, but I did ask why I was being ignored. I regret sending that text because I was ignored by someone who had once been so warm and kind. I know; it was a big mistake to even send anything.

It’s been about three and a half weeks of me waiting and hoping, only because this person has liked my selfies on Instagram stories and even liked my posts. I keep reminding myself that despite these interactions, they genuinely don’t want anything to do with me.

Ironically, an old flame called me this week. I asked why he had ended things by going silent, and he said at the time he didn’t feel good enough for anyone. He hated how kind I was and couldn’t understand why. He felt miserable and undeserving, so he gave me a ‘mercy kill.’ He knew he’d drag me into a bad place and wanted better for me. Maybe this current situation is the same. The only difference is that this new connection felt more intimate and stronger, at least to me.

I’m just a bit sad and feeling a lot of other emotions, but I know time will heal. I’ll probably remove him from my social media this week. I’ve done some research, and I guess what he’s doing is called ‘orbiting.’ I wanted a different outcome, but I know this is the end.