Does Gorillaz has songs that promote occultims? I'm not one of those conspiracy theorists. I'm just curious.

Gorillaz is my most listened band. My most listened song is Oil.

I do not want to talk about the fictional band members.

I heard that Damon is interested in occult practicies ( correct me if I am wrong) I personally do not agree with occult practicies. BUT if their songdo not force occult messages on me I am fine.

I know about the song Murdoc is god. In my opinion this song is to expand the fictional band lore.

I know that the band Gorillaz has songs about war and pollution, but what about Cracker Island. What Damon Albarn want to express with this new album ?

I'll most likely still listen to their songs. I have a small collection of cds.

I am just curious if Damon's intersts in occultims have an impact on his songs.