Who’s been the most impactful Titan?

As we’re heading towards a new set coming out and our beloved titans leaving standard, I was wondering who you think has been the best/most impactful titan of all:

  1. Warrior: I think i saw him a bit in the beginning but pretty much disappeared over the past year. Was famous for activating and dying from the BEEEES trap.

  2. Hunter: pretty solid card. Not game changing but could slot into a lot of decks and give them an edge

  3. Mage: had his good days but overall been pretty weak as his abilities depended on his survival which was pretty tough

  4. Warlock: love sargeras and crafted him. No regrets. He was pretty impactful in a lot of decks with his main weakness being Reno for a long time. Surprisingly didn’t show up a lot more since Reno got shafted

  5. Priest: the best as far as I’m concerned. Absolutely game changing and was probably in every single priest deck since day 1. The fact that you could play him a million times in a game helped a lot too

  6. Druid: also incredibly powerful although felt a bit missing until Dungar and ramping started again. Might have had a cost too high but defo felt like game over when she healed you back to full health

  7. Demon hunter: no comment here. I have not seen him a single time since his reveal.

  8. Death knight: probably the second best in my opinion after Amanthul and maybe sharing the second spot with Druid. Very powerful effects that could hold the game for long.

  9. Shaman: extremely solid card that can stabilise the board very well. Sat in a lot of decks as well.

  10. Rogue: very odd choice. It helped mech rogue for a while but mostly didn’t see a lot of play

  11. Paladin: loved her. Really strong card that also completely sometimes locked boards.

  12. Neutral: I’m just happy yogg is leaving…