Devs, please chill a moment.
It looks like we have a formula 1 problem here. At the start of a season the teams don't fully understand their new car, so they don't know how to setup and tweak them correctly.
In 30 years of addicted gaming, i have never seen a life service that motivated. It's beautiful to see and should set a standard in the industry.
Now the but. BUT it really looks like you guys don't know what you dealing with. Patch Notes: We have lowered the spawn rate of heavys. Result: We got a charger every 90 sec... Patch Notes: We lowered the spawn rate of patrols. Result yesterday: Empty boring Landscape for the first part but extra masses on the end of the misson.
Please guys, lower your pace and test out what you do. I could see 10 minutes into a game after the patches, that something is off.
And be careful, we start loving the sickle and when you guys nerf it we will get sad and mad. And then you release the next op weapon we get attached to and you will nerf it. At some point we will get tired of this shit. Test more, lower the pace. Chill a little.