I literally don’t know what to do. Srry for bad grammar. I’ve always had a hard time with science and math but physics is literally kicking my ass. Like I’m in the lowest level of physics as a junior and I’m failing. Last quarter I had a 56 and this quarter it’s looking like I’m going to fail as well. The teacher has personally told me to drop the class TWICE 😭 but my mom won’t let me. My mom wants me to prove something to the teacher to show her that I can pass because she did the same thing to my brother a long time ago and he ended up passing with like a 66, but I genuinely think I’m going to fail the class. I feel so bad for my mom because I have a tutor and she’s kind of expensive and she helps but my grade isn’t reflecting it. Also all my other grades are pretty good it’s literally just physics. Like I study, have a tutor, do all my hw, and go to every extra help but I’m still failing and no matter how hard I try to bargain my mom won’t let me drop the class (need a parent to sign off on dropping.) so idk what to do any advice? Thanks