What else would you want to be changed/added/removed?


I have played over 180 hours on this game and I love it. Every character unlocked, every character on 8/8 votes except the Smelly Jack. So far to say, that I truly enjoy this game. But with great praise comes also a big chunk of critisis I have for this game.

1st thing I wanna say, that I totally respect dev's wish to not continue this game, as by their words, got tired from developing this game. But that doesn't not mean I cannot give my opinion.

I want to share my troughts on what should have been added, changed or just straight up removed

No modding available

  • Maybe I am a bit spoiled, because I also play games, that are heavy into modding (Rimworld, Don't starve, sometimes Minecraft), but it's suprising. Especially with multiplayer. But reworking a game to a support modding is just not possible. You would have to start with the idea to support modding. This is something small, but I've wished it was true.


  • More NPC models? I mean, it gets kinda tiring to see the same models over and over, and with the rich guys, just having like what, 3 models? And some of the models for women are just sooo ugly. Not to mention, their weirdly big boobs for some reason (I am a straight guy, but even I was weirded outwhen I first saw them").
  • Like why don't NPCs react to you, when you have a fight in the streets with gauner? Or fighting the NPC, because you missclicked on the part, when you offer them a meth? Like after I beat their ass, the just say "goodbye". Like the fighting on it's self is OK turn base, but in a game, where police man can arrest you for jumping on car, doesn't have a mechanic, where NPCs run away from the fight or for some of them to intervine is just weird and unpolished.

Hazard and gambling

  • Kinda wished, we could win more Crowns with lottery tickets, but I get why it that. What suprised me, that in Czech city of Praslav, doesn't offer you gambling machines, where you can just chill out, smoke some cigs, have a beer and lose your money. Just like in real life. This is really just a nitpick, but it would be funny.

Old town

  • Again I understand that the Oldtown is missing, but it's a reall shame. Just imagine, even more confusing streets and alleys, than in Žižkov.

Empty places

  • I have two areas that I just don't like to go to, that is the south-west part below train station, and in the north-east parts, next to Žižkov. The 1st one is just ugly empty place, without any NPCs and kind of just ugly street in general. There seems to missing like a lots of the small bins and just does not look right. What saves this, it the locked big container, with so much of good stuff, but I rarely go there, because of the distance traveled there.
  • 2st place is again very ugly and place I did not even know about this and a NPC a hobo called Stink (I play in Czech so I am not sure about the translations) that sells expensive junk, but it can be a life-saviour, when Majsner, Anatoly or Leoš don't have the stuff you need.

The Ending

  • This is probably the worst part of the game, I don't think I can add something new to the table. This is just so bad and underwhelming. And even before that, why it doesn't play some sfx when I get a vote or atleast something? We have a player's reaction when finding a good loot, but no when we get a vote? Atleast something would be nice even a playing sfx that changes your status of the quest (you know the pencil sfx).

Easy cheezing of hostile NPC

  • I kinda get why this works but it just shouldn't as is just a cheap way to get away from danger. For example if you run into a building (like a shop, or for dialog with NPC), you could get a minigame (the arrow one) to try to hide or void them and this increases by your clothes that are more colorful and extravagant would decrease you chances. I am sure that many of you don't like this idea.

Zachy's quest line

  • I just don't like this quest line, not even it is the most expensive quest line (buying the dark stuff is just too bumb, but I know you can get them from altar, dead animals stuff) and then becoming Dezolát, by being drunk firstly for 25 minutes and then for 55 minutes. It's just not fun playing, since you're so slow and if you don't have the perk (insolence?) you just cannot interact with NPCs. This is why I leave this quest line at last... Not to mention the risk of being addictited to alcohol, but with lucky Luke, this is no issue...

This is the main stuff I don't like this about this game, but I still love it. And if you ask me, I don't mind the steep learning curve.

What else do you dislike about this game and what else would you want to be changed?