I just done watching A Serbian Movie

I've heard of it from a friend of mine who said it was the only thing he wanted to erase from his memory. Human morbid curiosity forced me to actually watch it, alone in my bedroom on my laptop thinking it would only be a horror movie.

I've watch a french movie called Irreversible (the 2019 version) and although I didn't like it (for obvious reasons) it didn't marked me that much. This movie on the other hand...

My experience with this kind of "topics" is pretty basics or none. I watch porn like most people and like most people I only watch "normal" ones together with hentai but subjects like pedophilia, incest and necrophilia are completly unatractive to me and it disgust me.

I tried to watch the movie without any pause and I tried to not look away from my screen (it was really hard to not do during "those" scenes).

I have to admit the movie is pretty well made. Lightings, framing, editing, overall pretty nice. But I'm gonna be frank this movie has no righg to exist. It has nothing to show for except what the world has the worst to show.

I don't wright reviews very often but I felt I needed this. This movie left me with a lump in the stomach and it's now the only thing I want to erase from my memory