Strange Situation Last Night
Last night I walked into a convenience store to use the ATM. As soon as I waked through the door, an older healthy looking man began talking to me like he knew me. I did not recognize him but I didn't want to be rude, so I played along. He starts saying he talked to my dad about me the other day...but my dad has been dead for 20 years now. I thought maybe he was confusing me for someone else, but then he starts telling me about his wife who had just given birth, and all he needs is $28. At that point I told him my dad is dead, and he asks me what my name is. I told him "Kevin" (fake name), and he says "I thought you were Kevin". I walked away after that and he began saying that he is a good judge of character, and that I "need to slow down in that life".
What do you think? Was he just trying to take advantage of me? I have never seen this strategy used before