You can reverse time, but only 60 seconds per day.
You get the ability to reverse time, but the most you can do in a 24 hour period is 60 seconds.
No one else is conscious of this reversal in time but you. Everyone else’s memories go back to that point in time, but you retain your memories/awareness from the future point.
You stay in your body — not a situation where there’s a second version of you “from the past.”
The 60 seconds doesn’t have to be all at once, you can do 10 second increments 6 times a day or whatever you want. But the max is 60 seconds.
It’s not automatic. If you’re shot, you probably won’t have the reaction time to save yourself, but if you jump off a building you probably would.
Random chance is dictated by how you can influence it. For example if you roll a 6, go back in time you may roll a different number given the fact you likely wouldn’t drop the dice in the same exact way. Things beyond your influence likely will stay consistent.
What cool things would you do with this power?