Scary Gojek experience
I was in Uluwatu and I had been using Gojek bikes in the day and 1-2 times at night. My friend and I decided to go to a few clubs and you can tell that we are south-east Asian. One night, my friend and I were out clubbing and once we were done, our bikes arrived at the same time. We had to go up the hill as our hotel was right on top.
She left a minute before me, our locations were the same and the eta showed 15 mins. I was right behind her but she kept going straight (on a lively main road), however, my driver decided to take a left into the darker forest roads (even though the map showed the straight road). The ETA kept increasing by the minute and the road looked lonely. Yes, there were some properties but they seemed lit up but very empty - all of them.
I asked him where are we going and he said that he knows my hotel and he stays close to it, so he’s taking a shorter road even though the eta was increasing. I let it slide for a minute but then just before we were gonna enter the forest roads with little to no light, I made him stop and take a u-turn (which I did ask previously but he just ignored like he knows what he’s doing) and he threw a fit when I asked him to but I didn’t budge. I was firm. He then took the turn and went back to the main road. I was 10 mins behind my friend. I shared my location with her and LUCKILY 🧿 I was safe and back in my hotel by 2am.
Did I overreact? Or is this a normal thing? Just want to know are these bikes safe at night ? Let me know what you guys think.