Bus Rapid Transit Study along Ritcher
Fill out the survery and let Kelowna know there is demand for good public transit: https://a95536de87f54b4291e0f8cd4638af2d.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/NKDkUO1UIQchAHnlSd7R7kx9pXVpI5WWMD0aeGdESuwx/aEQELV8zFBMO3k4U7qSUjxFOzJXz1lpF23EaMSWat7gx
We feel very strongly about public transit being one of the many extremely powerful tools a city has to connect people and places. Unfortunately Kelowna's busses at present are unreliable and get stuck in traffic, this makes transit not a viable method of transportation for most people. Which is why we are happy to see the city running a study on Bus Rapid Transit along the Richter corridor. If you aren't familiar with BRT it's a type of public transit that has the ability to move people at similar capacity to subways and sky trains but at a fraction of the cost, see our presentation on why public transit matters: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nM9iSUIZnWUUDcZ-1RTZdF8is04zy6O48VoYTDYatuo/edit?usp=sharing