Scared my daughter is being left out because of me
My Kindergartner is my oldest so all of this school stuff is new to me
We moved to this town 1 year ago not knowing anyone, my daughter did a pre k program not associated with our towns school system because it was a lottery & we didn’t get in.
We just started K in September and I am getting the vibe here that all the moms already know eachother for years of living in this town and or met in pre k or day care in town etc. they all have large group play dates for their kids and have group chats with eachother etc. I know because I hear them talk about it at pick up and I have stupidly followed a few on Instagram so I see all their kids together all the time.
I like to think I’m friendly and try to talk to the other moms - even have my daughter in soccer and I feel like an outcast there too - I try to talk to other moms they are super nice don’t get me wrong!!! BUT they are really just disinterested in letting us in since they already have thier ppl which i understand!
I am not trying to make new friends for myself I am actually quite introverted BUT I fear this will affect my daughter… I’m scared she’ll start noticing that she’s not invited places or she won’t be able to make friends because all the kids seemingly have close friend groups already.
My daughter does ask to play with one girl inside in her class and I’ve tried reaching out to the mom and it goes no where … she literally stops answering me and obviously isn’t interested in setting up a play date so I naturally stopped reaching out - my daughter was sad but never really brought it up again.
Will this ease up as the kids get older and pick their own friends instead of just playing with the friends their parents made for them. I’m just so worried here 🥺 I always thought I was kicking ass as a mom up until now. I feel defeated and sad for my girl