Something that is said every Kpop generation?

I feel like there are certain things that are said every new Kpop generation. I've been a fan since 2nd gen, and I feel like I'm seeing a lot of things that tend to be repeated over and over. There was a post on here lately talking about vocals, and most comments said that Kpop is starting to lean more towards visuals.

But the thing is... Visuals have always been a big part of Kpop and it was never going to stop being a large focus. And it's not just about the idols' beauty, but also the concepts, the fashion... Visuals were always a big focus. But every generation I see this argument that "Kpop is focusing less and less on talent and more on the visuals". That's always been a thing, and I'm not saying it's good, but that it has been that way since forever. 2nd gen used to have a few idols who would be considered filler members nowadays.

I don't think there is less talent, I don't agree with that. But it's also a matter of trends and things shift quickly in this fast-paced industry. There are certain things that remain the same however, and visuals are one part of it.

This is one example I can think of off the top of my head. But I think there are a lot of things that are said almost all of the time, in every new generation. And I feel like it's a little bit of nostalgia effect in action.