I said goodbye to my best girl yesterday. I got her when I was 19 and now I’m 32. This dog has been with me through so much. Breakups, Jobs, moving, getting married, buying a home, my first child.
She’s been there through getting my first car to getting pregnant. She was there in times I felt hopelessness, and she was there when I got sober. I knew this was going to be hard but man, I haven’t felt pain like this since losing a parent when I was a kid. And there’s something about being grown now and being able to understand the depth of the loss that makes this feel too real. Like the world isn’t the same and what I would give to have things feel like they did just a week ago. What I would give to just hear her tail wagging in the next room while she slept. No matter where I was, she was home to me.
Annabelle, you will be so missed and I will always love you.