My grievances with Mel after 8 games of playing her.

This isn't even a tilt post, as I have been playing and dominating on Mel whenever she makes it through the pick ban phase for our team and I honestly just don't think she is balanced right now. Mel doesn't have a lot of the gameplay quirks and intricacies that a lot of the mages in League have.

  1. Easy last hitting.

Mel's passive is basically Zed passive on a mage for last hitting. She can last hit range minions with the tower just hitting them once, meaning that you don't have to prep the range minions to last hit. That is a huge advantage that she has over other mages.

  1. Extremely long range and reliable poke.

Mel's Q is undodgeable, there is no cast time and no windup. She can just breeze through the laning phase with Q spams all day long. Melee champions are forced to eat a mouthful of Q's in order to even sniff the minion wave.

  1. No need for auto-weaving to maximize passive efficiency.

A lot of characters that have built-in Sheen passives are designed so that every charge of the built in Sheen is used once per auto. Look at Riven, look at Lux. In order to maximize passive damage, you weave autos into the combo and this adds a layer of skill expression. There should be some kind of drawback to spell dumping, imagine if Riven could just dump off all charges of her passive after Q'ing you 3 times with one auto.

  1. A no skill ultimate.

Mel's ult is insane. It's like some sick combination of Syndra, Darius, and Garen's ults. No gameplay needed, just press R. People joke about Syndra's ult being the "gameplay button", but at least you have to click on the other character and manage your balls. Mel just presses R whenever she's hit anybody with spells.

All in all, I don't even think W is the most problematic part of her kit like most people thought it would be. It's just that her kit has so much free shit in it that dumbs down skill expression that most mages have. If I were to describe how she feels, it's like an easier version of Lux and Syndra combined into one champ.