WTT Friedman IR-D, Longsword, Barbershop, Walrus Canvas Stereo, some others; WTTF a decent list
Lots of “I’d never trade this” on the menu this week, but when you go from modeling to an amp adjustments are necessary.
+means I have the box
Friedman IR-D +
Science Mother Preamp + — didn’t put in the title so I could more easily delete. Big feeler and definitely only a value-aligned selection from the WTTF list
CBA Mood MKii
EAE Longsword rose gold +Fairfield Barbershop +
Walrus Canvas Stereo DI/LI +
JHS Angry Charlie v3 +
EQD Hoof black and gold
EQD Special Cranker
Shooting big here but I’m always open to offers.
Source Audio EQ2
Empress ParaEQ
Diamond Comp/EQ
Empress Compressor
CBA Tonal Recall
Strymon Deco
MAE Part Garden Ge
Caroline Somersault
Deluxe Memory Man (not nano)
Tubesteader Sunkeeper
EHX Knockout
A 1x12 cab or combo if you’re near North NJ and want to swap for the FR
Offers of all kinds