Why don't everyone just make a repo of and adopt Statistically Compiled Binaries?

I hate how much these cross distro packages like Flatpaks, Snaps and Appimages sucks.

I wonder why don't everyone just adopt the most popular packaging format which is Deb or maybe even better just create a Repo of Statistically Compiled Binaries which runs on every distro? I mean nowadays even the size of the package is also not a concern so Statically Compiled Binaries makes a lot of sense ( I mean Flatpaks and Snaps are already so much bloated).

It will also make Linux applications a lot more consistent in my opinion, every Linux executable (no matter if it's a CLI app or GUI app) is a batteries included binary. No compatibility issues between binaries, no absurd sandboxing, no fight between rolling release or stable release.

Ideally we can have a very stable base system like Debian and run the Statically Compiled binaries of the apps made using the cutting edge versions of frameworks, and we wouldn't have to worry about what's available in the Debian repos because those binaries already Statically Compiled the framework needed right into the binary. Even better we can have a Busybox based distro like Alpine Linux but with the stability of Debian LTS and have those binaries run on it.

I am sure there might be some technical reasons behind this not happening already because it seems a very obvious solution. I would also like to add that I am new to Linux and CS in general, so I don't have a deep knowledge of these concepts.