It's Time

It's time to stop fight amongst each other. This isn't left vs right. We shouldnt be manipulated to fight amongst ourselves, when the entire time the problem was with SG and AGS and with how they monetized the game. Making it so predatory in the sense you need to swipe or be incredibly lucky to get to the newest content by release.

This paired with the out of touch prices in the f4 shop have driven people to do things that are morally questionable (bussing, rmt, pilot).

Now they are directing you attention elsewhere and causing fighting amongst the community. Instead of fighting each other complaining about bussing rmt or rats. Why not go after the actual cause of all this.

Everyone should have access to the latest content relatively easily. Not being strong enough to clear is another story. Make it easy to get there but harder to over gear it. Then a larger part of the community could get to endgame hm. This will allow us to bus more people that are having trouble clearing until they are strong enough to clear.

All your alts can get to latest content easy once you have a main there and the honing past becomes harder.