Ranked is too hard. Stuck in Bronze

Call it a skill issue or not—I don’t care. I’ve played plenty of shooting games like Apex, Overwatch, and Call of Duty, but this one hits differently. I’m stuck in bronze, and I kid you not, this is the first time I’ve ever spent hours struggling to climb out.

I solo queue, just like I do in other games, and I’ve never been stuck this long in ranked. I went from Bronze 3 to Bronze 1, only to drop back down to Bronze 3. I’m telling you—it can’t just be me. The players I get matched with still think this is COD. They’re so focused on their K/D ratios that in most matches, the vanguards hang behind the strategists, and the duelists are all the way in the back. What the hell????

Every game, I have to point this out to my teammates. But, of course, no one likes being told what to do, which leads to arguments. Eventually, we lose, and everyone blames each other. This is why I can’t stand certain team-based games. I can’t progress because randoms do random things and refuse to listen.

I think I’m going to take a month off to see if people improve their understanding of the game. The funny part? The players in non-competitive modes actually know how to play.