I'm about to cry
Today I finally ranked in Diamond. I thought I will never be good in a video game. I played 5 Years with 600+ Hours of overwatch, 2 Years with 200+ hours of Valorant, 1 Year LoL, various fighting games and I never EVER got higher than gold in any of those games. It was especially hard because all my best and closest friends where almost always better than me in any game. I thought I was just "Bad" at Videogames or that my cognitive "peak" was already over and I just couldn't get any better any more. I play videogames my whole life and I love being competitive but I never was "really good" at anything. Not even in single player games. This is an achievement I will hold dearly to my heart for the rest of my life because I finally found a game I'm kinda good in!
Today I finally ranked in Diamond. I thought I will never be good in a video game. I played 5 Years with 600+ Hours of overwatch, 2 Years with 200+ hours of Valorant, 1 Year LoL, various fighting games and I never EVER got higher than gold in any of those games. It was especially hard because all my best and closest friends where almost always better than me in any game. I thought I was just "Bad" at Videogames or that my cognitive "peak" was already over and I just couldn't get any better any more. I play videogames my whole life and I love being competitive but I never was "really good" at anything. Not even in single player games. This is an achievement I will hold dearly to my heart for the rest of my life because I finally found a game I'm kinda good in!