You can carry as a Strategist here's how. Stop saying "I did my job" because you had high healing numbers. That's just part of your job. In Depth Carry explanation

There's a lot in this so I guess only read what you care to.

Some of my most impactful Strategist games are ironically the ones where my healing wasn't even super high. I think it's also because invisible woman has some utility outside of heal that can help your team win. I think strategist focus on healing numbers because it's an easy way to avoid blame. See those numbers? I did my job.

Yet this is probably like me on squirrel girl pumping DPS into the tanks that get healed to full and say I'm doing the highest damage and my DPS called me out on that. I had a Magik complain about our healing. I just said it's kinda hard when you're very deep in the backline. But when he said this I was like alright I'll at least try a bit more. Even though we had no issues keeping literally anybody else alive. Sometimes the enemy iron man is problematic when I'm on Luna. And I go what happens if I just shoot this guy in his head?? Oh he's dead wtf

And we won easy. Some utility Invisible woman stuff I do;

• Pulling ppl to their death

• Using shields to pass chokes by spamming it

• Spamming a shield on a flier

• Using my push the moment ppl mantis ult because I know they'll press forward for aggression. Maybe that slightly delay along with the cc on my vortex is enough to not get immediately trampled by an aggro support Ult.

• Maybe you should tell your other support when you wanna Ult because if y'all Ult at the same time and storm hasn't used her ultimate yet congratulations, y'all threw because y'all didn't communicate when you wanted to use your ults and used them simultaneously. Don't even need voice chat for this.

• Some things I like to do is take temporary aggro because I know I have a get out of jail free card like my double jump invisible.

• For example on cloak and dagger specifically, Her blind, is essentially a heal. Because it's hard for the enemy team to kill you if they can't even see you. So maybe a good blind prevents your entire team from getting rolled. Which does not show up on your healing numbers.

  1. First things first I like to look where everybody is. Sometimes people are in weird positions or taking certain angles that are super hard to heal anybody in. When I play here's what I'm thinking.

• Where is everybody on my team?

• Can I position myself to peak everybody that needs to be?

• Is it safe to even position myself to do the tip I just said above?

• Where am I the least likely to get shot at?

• Am I in a position to keep my tank alive if he gets separated by Groot? (Meaning I should either be on the side, higher elevation, or with him)

Like say we are in a corridor, but I got a Hela upstairs and people downstairs. I'll position somewhere near the steps so I can easily go up and throw Hela up a heal if need be. But the moment my team pushes up I'll likely go more towards where they originally were downstairs. Depending on how much space we have on the objective, I'll be in a situation where I'm able to peak people behind me on higher elevation, or people on the sidelines.

So you wanna be able to peak your teammates to give them a heal but if their positioning is a little too unsafe to do that, it's better in my opinion to just let them find a health pack or die imo. Your life shouldn't be worth the guy taking a difficult angle.

Invisible woman can sorta get away with healing people that aren't in favorable situations for you because she can double jump and turn invisible. Say a guy is behind me but he's on a elevation so high he can't be peaked. What I can try to do, is use my double jump to throw the guy a shield and keep fighting below. Because sometimes Hawkeye, Hela, Squirrel girl players like to be in very back. You can also be up there with them but because invisible woman has range not too high I don't like to do this with this character. And that person shouldn't be the priority anyway.

  1. Determine whose the biggest priority to heal. There are situations where the tank is under pressure but you have a low hp DPS coming back to you. Okay, hear me out but you probably shouldn't heal that guy. Because if you're in the backline chances are you are safe. And if they retreating back to you they are probably now safe just low hp. Meanwhile your tank is under constant fire. You turn to heal your DPS to full hp, congratulations your tank just died. Because he's the one in real danger because he's in the constant fire. I might give you some heals but if my tank is under stress you're gunna have to find health pack or wait until I feel the tank isn't about to die.

  2. Your ability to carry on support is determined by what all I said above about positioning as well as your ability to stay alive. It's not easy to carry as a support In a team gap situation. Because what's gonna happen is, the enemy team is gunna go

"Hey the only reason we haven't won yet is because of this invisible woman. Kill her." Then it's Operation to hunt me down. In order for me to carry, it's determined by my ability to stay alive in these situations. Admittedly it's not easy especially if teammates don't turn around.

DPS diff does exist, but if you keep them alive as hard as possible a miracle can happen. Maybe the Hela eventually starts popping head shots. So strategist is basically, keeping my team alive long enough to where they eventually pop off. Maybe they kill absolutely nothing at first but I seen situations where they eventually have a decent record.

  1. Also work on your aim and reactions. Unless you play Cloak and dagger but she still has some aiming in her kit. But you can still practice other things like reactions.

I go to shooting range with Mantis, invisible woman, and Luna. May seem unnecessary, but it's not in my opinion. I want 100% accuracy on my heals and if I miss one could be difference in saving a guy. Not having an extra leaf on mantis could mean someone dies because didn't land enough headshots. I sometimes even do a 1v1 against the ai without healing just to make my aim just that more precise. Like I'll take my Luna against an ai and go for only headshots against a Hela Ai.

I also do a healing reaction drill. Where I'll have the robots be attacked by the enemy robots and I turn around and heal the one closest to death first.