First metal detector

Hi! I’m looking to buy my first metal detector and considering three options: the Equinox 800, the Nokta Legend with a pointer and headphones, or the Nokta Triple Score Pro Pack, which includes headphones, a pointer, and a bunch of other accessories.

I plan to use it on both land (fields/forest) and beaches, including saltwater, with diving up to 3 meters. I’ve heard that the Equinox has had some serious leaking issues, so I’m now focusing more on the Triple Score and the Legend, but I’m leaning toward the Triple Score Pro Pack. With the extra money saved, I could also buy the Nokta PulseDive for my partner so we can dive together.

My question is: is there a significant difference between the Legend and the Triple Score that would make it worth passing on the PulseDive and other accessories I could get with the saved money?