Infinity Objective Thread Sizes
Why would objectives like in the picture come with different thread sizes? Is it the amount of lenses inside. It seems like these are all plan achromatic
What does 0-A mean? I thought this field references the thickness of the cover glass but this is confusing me.
It seems like these objectives would be hard to pair. Are there adapters to account for multiple thread sizes on one microscope? Also is there a way to tell thread sizes on objectives apart from directly measuring?
Why would objectives like in the picture come with different thread sizes? Is it the amount of lenses inside. It seems like these are all plan achromatic
What does 0-A mean? I thought this field references the thickness of the cover glass but this is confusing me.
It seems like these objectives would be hard to pair. Are there adapters to account for multiple thread sizes on one microscope? Also is there a way to tell thread sizes on objectives apart from directly measuring?