Baclofen study

Every once in a while you run into something like this and wonder "what is going on here"?

This is a study I found regarding Baclofen at relatively low / moderate oral doses to prevent migraine:

TL;DR, it's open-label (no control group), but the effect size is massive. Fully 85% of patients experienced a >50% reduction in migraine frequency, and only 3 out of ~50 had side effects that warranted discontinuation.

This study was conducted in 1999, and I cannot find anything newer. Nobody followed up, no RCTs. Doesn't that frustrate you?

Either -- there is a very effective migraine medication that's not being used because nobody cared to look closely, or, the study is complete bogus.

~85% of patients having >50% reduction is well above what you'd expect with placebo, so despite lack of control group, it's a significant finding.