In Divisive Times, Let’s Find Common Ground – What’s Made You Smile Recently?

Edit: I'm sorry for making this tone-deaf post, but I do really appreciate all of the people who engaged thoughtfully. For those grieving a terrible change that is about to happen, I'm sorry for making an irrational request. My last thought, if someone comes to you with an open mind, please don't turn them away. There are still people acting in good faith out here.


Our political representatives have become increasingly hostile to one another. We, the people they are representing, unfortunately, but naturally, take sides. There is only so much responsibility one can take for the person they voted for. Even more unfortunately, the stories and narratives we find in our media spheres will always omit details and emphasize others.

Today, I saw someone get called a "fartsniffer" over this mess in congress.

In this, very tense, moment, please respect one another. Your neighbor is not your enemy. The spiral of contempt will never be worth it. Think about how hard things can be, how difficult some days are to simply get to the end of. We all live that life even though we don't want others to see it. Nonetheless, we do our best to get through, hoping to find our most important thing.

A healthy way to disagree starts with empathy. Share your knowledge with one another as if you are teaching a friend, not delivering a knockout-blow. In addition, please be mindful that knowledge cannot be a cure for ignorance - be willing to double-check yourself and your assumptions.

In the hopes of spreading some positivity, please share something that made you smile! Recently, did something go better than you expected! Do you have any happy news to share? Did you achieve a goal recently, or do you have gratitude you would like to express?