Top 3 modules that best complement a semi-modular setup?
The advice is always "go semi-modular" when people want to get started with eurorack/modular, right? For me it was a no brainer and now have a few semi-modular synths in my sonic arsenal, which I love and have been learning more and more.
Now, imagine you have the Moog sound studio trio (Mother 32 + DFAM + Subharmonicon) as well as the cr8audio East Beast and West Pest. I think this covers so much in terms of sound design, but I'm looking for even more.
In your opinion, what would be the top three modules that complement this setup in order to expand the sonic possibilities? What type of module would take this to the next level, regardless of genre? Would you go for something that adds to sound design or something that helps you creatively?
I have some ideas already, but I'm limited by the fact that I want to keep it DIY. But would love to hear all kinds of suggestions!