Why is Fatalis so terrible compared to Alatreon? (Fatalis is shit post #8Morbillion)
TL;DR - Title.
So I just beat Fatalis, and I feel almost nothing. ONE cart and ONE minute left with Hammer. Jesus Christ.
I don't think I want to play MHW ever again - and that's a shame since for the majority of 300 hours. I really did enjoy the game, even after Grinding Lands and clutch claw jank and all the other BS - but that's beside the point. *deep breath*
Don't get me wrong, I still fucking hate Alatreon for all the trauma it gave me, but more than any other fight in the game, the hours you put in feel WORTH IT. When you learn Alatreon, he can almost never beat you again - I'm confident I could go in and whoop his ass with almost any weapon (ignoring his half-baked, half-thought-out mechanics and getting an element for said weapons).
Alatreon might have the crispiest hitboxes in this entire franchise. You could be a hair's length from an attack and still not get hit - it's mindblowing in a series made infamous for its garbage hit detection. The fight has an eb and flow; all but three moves can be taken as openings, and you can easily position yourself to take full advantage of all his moves. Ignoring the crap mechanics, Altreon is a good fight - so why can't Fatalis be the same?
Fatalis' hitboxes are better named SHITBOXES; the visual language with ALL of his fire attacks is completely deceptive and way bigger than they seem. It feels almost impossible to set up good positioning without meta-gaming the A.I., which is so sporadic and jittery and never keeps the weak points still on most movements. His almost unpunishable pin attack may as well be a magnet, and all of the flame attacks don't even need to touch you to kill you!
Why not just make the fire effect bigger to overcompensate? From Software does this every now and again so that you don't feel CHEATED when you get hit by something that doesn't touch you, so what's the excuse? I almost never felt getting hit was my fault unless I was being blatantly greedy or in a bad position.
The difficulty is almost LAUGHABLY artificial. Almost everyone who's beaten this shit can agree that so much as 5-10 extra minutes would COMICALLY trivialize the fight, even without Dragonator. You're on a tight time limit, and so half his moves consist of wasting as much of your time as POSSIBLE in each phase, especially the final stretch. Think of just how many HOURS you and other people have spent playing out the whole thirty minutes and getting screwed over in the final stretch. I'm glad I quit while I was ahead on most attempts. Otherwise, I would've been down at least ten to fifteen hours on my finite life compared to around 4-5 (over the course of a week).
If you can't touch the head or front chest for more than a minute, you may as well give up - too much time is wasted and you're fucked. Stop me if you've heard this one before: Nuclear fireball/dive bomb into 3-5x snap and drag into nuclear fireball/divebomb into the nuclear 5x fire bomb barrage - all in a row! What fun!
What the FUCK is the coding behind this shit? The spam is somehow WORSE than AT VELKHANA and her AOE ASS-CICLES.
It didn't even take me half the time to beat Fatalis than it did to beat Alatreon or AT Velkhana - but I don't feel like I've learned fucking ANYTHING in comparison to both. I FEEL like I should know the openings, I FEEL like I should know the positionings, but every third time I try them, I either get smacked like a bitch, pushed OUT of my good positioning by Fatalis' stubby shitty legs, or simply burnanated into a fine hunter mignon. This is all ignoring the comical one-shots, as well as the humble hammer struggle of trying to snipe the head.
I can't imagine wanting to fight this thing again, at least not solo. Some of you guys are masochists, but I can respect it. This was genuinely one of the most un-fun things I've ever done in a video game, but at least it's done.
To spin this as a positive, my goal of beating Iceborne's endgame before Wilds comes out is complete. World is a good game at its core, but I think it's time to put it down.
To return to a negative, I'm stuck with a 9th gen CPU and can't play fucking Wilds without my CPU melting away.