How to deal with the “you should stop now” comments?

I am SO grateful for this medication, I really am. I’m such a huge advocate of it (when used correctly!) and think it’s going to make so many people’s lives infinitely better.

I’ve been on MJ since August 2024 and I’ve lost 5 stone 6lb. Starting weight was 15st 9lb and current weight is 10 stone 3lb, height is 5’7 and I’m in my mid-30s. I think I have been quite a quick responder to this medication, so please don’t compare my losses to your own - everyone on this is doing absolutely brilliantly ⭐️ and we all lose at our own pace.

I would like to get into the 9 stone band ideally - that was my “pie in the sky” goal at the start of this journey and the closer I get the more I want to reach it.

I’ve been getting comments from my partner and friend that I should start to maintain / come off MJ now as they’re worried I’m getting too thin. I completely understand that this is coming from a place of love and care and I’m grateful to have supportive people like that in my life. But I don’t know how I feel about it.

As others have said in previous posts, no one mentions anything when you’re putting the weight ON, so it’s a bit unfair to try and stop you when you’re finally making good progress!

I just wanted to get a bit of perspective from people that aren’t emotionally attached to me really. Am I silly for sticking to my original goal? I’m not starving myself - I eat when I’m hungry and make sure I’m nourishing my body. I’m fully versed on EDs, and can say hand on heart that this is not the case.

My goal weight is what I’d be thrilled with, and from there I’d maintain and work on building muscle (specifically the arse, my once beautiful bum is now reminiscent of a first-attempt pancake).