How many of you have experienced body shaming from your narcissistic parents?

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about how your parents have body shamed you guys, me included, and I’m curious to just how many of us have been body shamed, and how do we help improve our self image while ignoring our narcissistic parents?

Edit: I’m so sorry to all of you who have experienced body shaming. It literally is paining me to see all of your guy’s stories, and I feel for all of you. I relate to almost all these stories as well. I’ll continue to try to respond to everyone’s comments because I know it feels good to be heard, especially with such a sensitive topic, it’s sensitive for me at least. I hate all of your parents, including my own for being so harsh on our bodies at such a young age. It’s inexcusable behavior, and I really hope all of you find self love for your body’s and self image. I’m here for all of you.

Edit 2: hey everyone. These past couple of days I’ve read and tried to respond to as many comments as possible, and I will continue to try to do so. There’s just something I want to say before I continue. It’s that the more comments I read the angrier I get. The more upset I get. I feel disappointed, disgusted, hurt, knowing that not just a few of us, but tons of us here have felt the exact same way. Our parents have judged our bodies beyond belief. And for what? So they can feel superior. It’s awful to see. I would go about my day, comment after comment, all saying the same thing, but with a different twist, different story, but same parents. Varying on extreme sides. Now I’m gonna say some curse words so avert your eyes if you don’t wanna see that. Idc what extremity a narcissistic parent is, because in my opinion they’re all fucking assholes. I hate all of them. They’re the fucking worst. Knowing that they look at their children and go “well fuck my child’s body isn’t good enough, not meeting my expectations, let’s make sure they know that!” Are you fucking kidding me?!? I hate how each and every one of your parents looked up and down your body, found a flaw (if it even was there to begin with) and decided beat you down with it. I mean wtf??? What kind of person does that? A narcissist.. that’s who. I’ve become extremely frustrated with my ndad finally seeing his behavior for what it is. And I’m so fucking tired of it. And I’m tired of seeing everyone hurting. No child should be treated like this, and be this abused, yet no one knows. Because if it’s not physical abuse, it’s not abuse right? That’s Bull crap. And it’s time we spread awareness about it. I’m going into college soon, and I planned to study film. I’m going to tweak that a bit. I’m going to study film and psychology. I’m going to get immersed into narcissistic abuse. And I’m going to be a psychiatrist and focus specifically on narcissistic abuse. Im also going to continue with film, and create films specifically aimed at bringing light to narcissistic abuse. I’m tired of not being able to fight these narcs. I can’t face my dad directly, I’m too scared. But I want to fight. Even if not directly. I want to help all of you build courage and become better overall. I want to help you heal. I want to be the person that I need for me rn. I want to help future generations understand this abuse and how wrong it is. I hate to see the suffering and I want to do something about it. I want to help. I hope this post is a small stepping stone for me to start helping others. Thank everyone for sharing your stories, I know it must be hard. I’ve been there. And unfortunately I will continue to be there, but I want to learn as much as I can so I’m not here forever, but I move forward with my life, past my ndad. Thank you everyone. It means a lot to me.