Tales of Dacardia Discussion Thread!!!
So, Tales of Dacardia rolled out for Canada yesterday! When I tell you I was jumping up and down excited when I got the email yesterday I am not exaggerating. I wasn't really playing Neopets during the Island Builder days, so I have nothing to say on that, but about ToD, I LOVE city builder games!
I've been playing games like this throughout my entire childhood since the early 2010s, with things like City Story (and Bakery Story and Restaurant Story and Fashion Story and all the other Storm8 games), Tap Resort, SimCity BuildIt, Megaopolis, Dream House Days, YOU NAME IT! So when I was finally able to download this I was HYPED!
Honestly, it did not disappoint! I really like the music, it's the perfect cute wholesome backdrop. And the characters are super cute too! I'm not 100% sure how I feel about the 3D-ification of some of the pets, like the Shoyru is super cute but when you view it in the encyclopedia the still image is a liiiittle creepy.
I really like the gameplay! It's pretty straightforward and I like the main currencies and how they're different from your typical Coins and Gems that are usually in these types of games. I understand that only the first chapter is out right now, but one thing I wish was different is I wish you could build Neohomes and other buildings on your own volition without it corresponding to the story/quests. Though, I do expect that that will be possible with future updates!
Anyway, if I go on I will never stop, so I want to hear your thoughts on the game so far! Any at all!