DHAJ guest ideas

Well, they’re asking…so why not shoot for the moon. I’d never have guessed Ryan Reynolds but that was awesome! Here are some ideas off the top of my head. Some might be farfetched at first but I think allot them could be really funny on DHAJ

-Glynn Washington, versatile, brilliant, funny. Perfect storyteller. Would listen wherever he is. -Helen Zaltzmann (I know she did a show with Hank but John might be more her style) She is freaking brilliant. -In the same vein as each other Michael Hobbes and Tim Harford, smarty pants experts on stuff but so debonair in their funnyness -YouTuber Atomic Shrimp, Who I my opinion is the current world’s most interesting man. He can do so many cool things! -Flora Lichtman, punniest person! -Robert Evans, being forced to keep it clean, but a truly wholesome individual at heart -Jolenta and Kristin from By the Book. The guys could do what these podcasters do and live by a self help book! -Alex Goldman. It’s not his fault things went the way they did in his podcast. He is such a fun quirky creator. -Kelly Carter Jackson from Oprahdemics and This Day in Esoteric Political History. Brilliant lady who you’d love to just joke over a coffee or beer with… about super smart stuff -Luis Manuel Garcia, generally hilarious person and expert on music in the lgbt+ community.