What are/were your top frustrations?
Let me preface this by saying frustrations aren't anger or the like, but are just that...things that are frustrating. I have a 1 month old, so I'm in the thick of it. I'll start (in no order):
1) Witching fucking hour (sorry for the swearing). She's a perfect angel up until 6 o'clock and something just switches and BAM, crying for no reason. Extremely frustrating after I get done with work and want to relax.
2) The constant squirming while feeding. Hold still please, I'm trying to feed you! Then cries when the bottle falls out of her mouth. 🙄 lol
3) How long it takes for her to go to sleep after feeding. Despite eating 3oz every time, she's still on the 2 hour feeding window (we on demand feed, but it's honestly almost every two hours). We feed her, burp her, then try to get her to sleep...only for there to be 30 minutes left on the timer. I have to hold her in my arms the whole time.
4) Not sleeping unless it's in our arms. I know, she's a baby and wants comfort and warmth, but damn are my arms tired. 😅
Those are only a few I could think of, I'd love to hear yours. And again, I never get angry at her or yell (even during purple crying), this is just a way to vent. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.