Temperature for sleeping
I don't know how people do it, but I literally can't sleep over the constant worry. How the heck do I know if my baby is too hot or too cold for sleep?
My baby was born in December and she's 9 weeks old now. We live in an apartment building where there's central heating, which basically means that I have no control over the temperature. In the winter, the apartment is super hot during the day and it gets pretty cold at night because they turn off heating between like 11-12pm and 5-6am unless it's below 0 outside.
The temperature at night is around 20° (68F) which doesn't sound too bad, but it's cold. She usually falls asleep while it's still hot and then sleeps through the night, so it makes it hard to dress for sleep.
The nurses, midwives, and the internet say that the baby should have 1 layer more than I have. I always have 2 layers (1 sleeveless and 1 long sleeve for sleeping). For her, I've been doing two long sleeves (because 3 layers just sounded absurd) + the blankets. Her hands get freezing cold at night, and I mean FREEZING, like after holding something from the freezder cold. And I know that they say it's normal for babies to have cold hands, especially at night and all that, but her little cheeks and nose are also cold, so I've been covering her more and I even got a heater for the room and I make it so taht her hands are lukewarm. But now I get worried that she's too hot because the internet says that the ideal sleeping temperature is 16-21° and there are even charts for how babies should be dressed at night, but if her hands are so freezing cold in 2 long sleeves, she'll be even colder in one short sleeve and one long as those charts suggest.
And I also know they say that you should touch a baby's tummy or back to check if they're hot/cold, but, for one, the tummy and back are always warm, and two, how do I touch her tummy or back in the middle of the night when she's fully dressed without waking her up?? Oh and they also say "if you're cold, she's cold". Well, I'm cold sleeping in a 20° room unless I cover myself up to my neck and I'm also cold when my nose and hands are cold... but cot death worries me to death and I don't know how to handle this and I'm not getting enough sleep because of the constant worrying and waking up to check on her 😢 Help, please 🙏
EDIT: Thank you everyone for chipping in! I didn't have time to reply to everyone, but your responses really helped. I have a little more peace of mind now and am sleeping much better! She seems happy enough as well ❤️