Rotavirus - bad reaction, how long?

Our baby was given her immunisations and within 48 hours started pooping blood. We obviously ended up in A&E where it was so bad they thought her bowel folder over itself (which is a rare complication of rotavirus vaccine). She got checked and we were sent home with irritated bowel caused by rotavirus vaccine. The blood has gradually subsided but we are on day 11 of watery diarrhoea. I have spoken with a doctor and they told me to get in touch with a GP if the diarrhoea doesn't subside within 14 days. I just see no end to this :( I'm up most of the night changing nappies as our 10w old poops up to 20 times a day.

Has anyone been through this and if so how long till diarrhoea cleared or is there anything that helps? I've started giving her probiotics and we're on day 4. I've got a private GP appointment booked on Tuesday and will ask to be referred to a pediatrician as I'm really reluctant to go to A&E again.