My Baby HATES afterbath Time
The first time wasn't so bad. But now at 6 weeks, holy shit. I seriously worry that he is going to have a &eart attack or cause himself the seize with how freaking upset he gets. Last night after just a water bath he flipped out, turned purple, all the things. Nothing could calm him until he was back on me and nursing.
So after I sat going through similar posts and looked at all the advice. Warm the towels, space heater in the room, heating pad under towel (awful idea, I think it got too warm even on low which makes me feel nauseous with guilt because I think it made everything worse). Nope. Tonight may have been the worst night so far. I truly thought he was going to just stop breathing. He was literally the color of a beet.
We dread giving him a bath because the after is so fucking bad. I'm about to just start giving him sponge baths at this point. Try again next year or something idk.
Please someone tell me this is a phase.