How much does Danny and Jon contributed to NKTOB pre and post-comeback?

Jordan and Joey are both far and away the best singers in the group and hard carried them back in their prime years and Donnie who while he wasn’t a good singer (he would probably be the first to tell you that) was a decent rapper and had a unique voice that fit their sound. That just leaves Danny and Jon, Jon I can excuse because of his anxiety and shyness but he can be a pretty great singer whenever he feels like singing sometimes and I would probably put him below Jordan and Joey in terms of vocal abilities. Danny I don’t even know what he does in the group, he’s not a good singer and he can’t rap but he is a phenomenal dancer (well at least back then I don’t know now). I’m probably gonna get a lot of hate for this but Danny and Jon and this point feels like filler members and the group wouldn’t change if either one of decided to leave right now.