Worst Team Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal

Some time ago I asked for the worst team in Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow. Although not a nuzlocke I got many answers. Yesterday I made it until the dragon guy (Lance?) But it was too late to finish it. Now my Beedrill, Parasect, Hitmonchan, Pidgeot, Seaking and Onyx only need to beat 2 fights.

And now I'm wondering what would be the worst team for Johto?

Rules: No gimmick Pokemon like wobuffet, dito, unown.... At least one mon has to be obtainable before the first gym (how the f*** do I beat the first gym with ledyba?) All Pokemon have to be obtainable before the 8th gym in ONE of the games (no matter which one) I will fully evolve ALL mons, as soon as possible. If possible I will play crystal but it depends on the team I'm using. No element more than twice (I don't want to do a bug run). No tyrogue evolution (I don't want to breed them until I get the right evolution) only viable if all 3 evolutions suck but I think Hitmonlee is not too bad. If possible nothing of my last run

The team I think of right now would be: Ledyba (of course) Sunflora (mostly useless) Tangela (viable in gen 1 cause of wrap) Noctowl or Farfetched (which is worse?)

No idea what else maybe Ariados?